Our caterpillar is becoming a butterfly!

Aaqib at Light Pong
2 min readNov 3, 2021


Hello my friends! How are you all? I’m finally back from my trip to LA. Matt and I were supposed to be back last Saturday but our flights got cancelled multiple times, courtesy of American Airlines! 😤 We ended up spending 3 extra days in LA.

a shot of the device as it currently stands! the handles are going to change significantly soon, but how cool are those colors? 😍 yes, i did stand on the desk to get that shot.

Big Picture Perspective

Now that I’m back at Light Pong HQ, I wanted to share a more comprehensive update with you. From a big picture perspective, we’re in a period of transition. We know exactly how much funding we’re working with, and right now we’re waiting for the funding to be disbursed by Kickstarter. While that happens, we’re focusing on planning so that when the funds hit our account, we switch our focus to execution immediately.

Software Developments

We’re answering questions such as: how in-depth should audio support be initially? How abstract do we want to make the library? How user friendly is it for newer people to use the companion app? How many game cartridge slots should we have? We’re using our responses to set the software requirements, and use the documents we generate as our north star.

Simultaneously, we’re recruiting and onboarding our extended team of contractors. If you’re interested in working with us, scroll down all the way to the bottom of our Kickstarter page to see what we’re hiring for. If you’re a fit, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.


We’re beginning to make decisions around the microchip selection. Instead of the usual process of the manufacturer sourcing this for us, we decided to take matters into our own hands due to the ongoing silicon chip shortage and source them from several micro markets instead. While wait for the funding to be disbursed, we’re running some final microchip tests including wiring validations and LED strip stress tests. Once the microchip has been finalized/purchased, we’ll do the last bit of engineering work we have left, and then start working towards sending out manufacturing partner some engineering prototypes.


Pre-Kickstarter our goal was eye balls. To do anything we could possibly do to get more eyeballs on our project. Now, the goal is transparency and engagement with our audience (you!). We plan to start showing off more behind-the-scenes content to give you a more frequent update on our progress and really take you on our journey with us. Follow us on Instagram (we’re going to be live-streaming on IG pretty frequently) or on our brand-end TWITTER (help us get it started!), and/or subscribe to our YouTube channel where we’ll be posting vlogs of our journey!

A question for you: what features of Light Pong are your most excited about?



Aaqib at Light Pong

Light Pong is the world’s first 1D game console. Sign up to our mailing list for exclusive updates and discounts when we launch!